Shoefly: Ravorboi, I am on the computer. When an animal dies, it releases hormones, animals have fear&anger when they are killed secreted thru the hormones. Yes there is protein, but meat putrifies the most of food. However it is better to eat meat, than radiated food or liquid from a microwave, health^wise!
23:35 PST 8/5/04
RaVoR BoI: haha wat tha heill??? absorb the animal's fear and aggression? wat are u on?
21:55 PST 8/5/04
SHOE: I'm the 1st one to bring up vegetarianism on this forum. It is true we do absorb the animal's fear and aggression, internally. My Dad, still a bit of a hunter, is a vgtrn because of what he read on heart disease after his heart attack, unfortunetly he doesn't do it for ethics. Good for you Not OK.
12:58 PST 8/5/04
Vinny: did i know you were gona say you don't eat meat
12:03 PST 8/5/04
Dubious Virtue: thats one way to get dry!
8:41 PST 8/5/04
Not OK: I personally don't eat meat, but that's not what this topic is about. It's about people who actually get some weird thrill by hurting animals or watching them get hurt. Someone like you who thinks this cruelty is a "joke", and says so in a public forum, is only encouraging this atti.tude.
11:51 PST 8/4/04
Vinny: nope, thre will always be ppl like that no matter wat u do anyway. and unless ur a vegetarian and ur so sensitive, then y dont u think before u take a bite out of a hamburger..all that meat has to come from somewhere
9:46 PST 8/4/04
Not OK: Vinny, if it was humanly possible to stop all the weirdos in the world who hurt animals and people, solely for their own sick pleasure, then I would. You wouldn't?
7:17 PST 8/4/04
Shoe^repair: Dfxxs too many cartoons, the coyote over the cliff, no tears, just a little concern, and you'd laugh at a skateboarer get a head injury. Snap, Crackle and Pop where is your brain?
22:40 PST 8/3/04
Vinny: i'm the one with the problem? looks like ur the one complainin about this clip. why don't you go on a soulsearching journey to save all the cats in the world if ur so offended by this commercial
16:51 PST 8/3/04
Not OK: Vinny, if you think that setting up an animal to get hurt is a joke, then you're the one with the problem.
10:46 PST 8/2/04
Vinny: Can't you take a joke? if you have an issue grab a tissue
20:54 PST 8/1/04
Not OK: You're absolutely right, Mongrel, it IS a fake commercial. The amateur who filmed it was .sadistic, and looking for a sadistic audience. I'm afraid he found it here.
21:53 PST 7/29/04
Mongrel: You people just dont get it do you?It is a FAKE commercial that is aimed for a target audience!If you cant still figure that out, go fiddle a tree!
20:43 PST 7/29/04
gage2sk8: hanging from a!
19:15 PST 7/29/04
dumb fxxxs: who said i skateboard? sry, i'm not responsible for your asumptions. so there fore i don't need a helmet
8:54 PST 7/29/04
Not OK: Next time you go skateboarding, please remember to ask your mommy to buy you a helmet. Look what not wearing one has done to you.
7:58 PST 7/29/04
dumb fxxxs: not ok, shoeshine, gyp, and shoefly that a tear running down ur cheek? ooo i'm so sry...HA.. i've seen skateboarders take worse punishment than this
8:15 PST 7/28/04
Not OK: Jon Matt, if you want to know how I know it was never a commercial, either go on Nokia's website and search the word "cat", or read quotes from Nokia on this message board (below).
16:00 PST 7/23/04
jon matt: ur rite,the "amateurs" probably wanted the cat to get caught,but the cat did it out of its own will and there is no one to blame but the cat itself and how do u kno it was never a commercial???huh? do u watch tv all day and list every commercial?
11:52 PST 7/23/04
Not OK: Jon Matt, you must be new here. The statement that it "was just a commercial" isn't true (it was never a commercial), so why believe the other statement. The cat was lured by a toy or whatever these amateurs tied to the fan. Looks as if they wanted the cat to get caught so that they could film it.
14:25 PST 7/22/04
jon matt: yo i agree with d.f. i mean the cat did this to itself not the ppl. it put its paw out of its own desire. and if ur not blind u can see its says "the cat wasn't hurt!" under the clip
13:49 PST 7/22/04
Not OK: You seem easily fooled df. How do you know that this is even the same cat. Look at the scene within the handheld video, and then look at the scene they recorded afterward. Is it the same? No, because the cat never made it past the black bag after hitting the wall.
12:51 PST 7/22/04
Shoefly: Hug a Tree, D.F. Possibly only thing that might respond to you. However it is a sad truth of Mother Naure, I don't like it, but I didn't create the World.
12:41 PST 7/22/04
dumb fxxxs: all of u just prove me rite. oversensitve tree huggers. animals get eaten and ripped open everyday by other animals and ur gona go and get upset becuas a litle kitty cat hit a wall...and another thing. the cat did make it past the black bag u can see the tail durr
12:13 PST 7/22/04
SHOE : Dumb fxxs she is right, there is no limping away, the men are actually blocking the view. Even if it did "limp" away, no proof it didn't suffer internal injuries, or head. BTW, I am a guy and proud of my stance or at least open^mindedness of the possibility,U may be right and the cat may have not su
10:33 PST 7/22/04
Not OK: Hey dumb fxxxs, can't you read? Take a look & see how the cat never made it past the black bag. The men are standing over him. Stop looking at the part that was later added in. But the point is that the cat was lured by amateurs who tried to create this cruel clip & then pitch it to Nokia for money.
10:01 PST 7/22/04
dumb fxxxs: omg...cry me a river, u can see the cat running away with no limp or hoo hoo
8:39 PST 7/22/04
Not OK: Just so that there's no confusion, "gyp" is my brother and he wanted to write in yesterday. I wrote the last message today, but his ID remained. Dumb fxxxs, your name suits you well. Shoe shouldn't have to explain his or her feelings to you (but you might learn something).
18:49 PST 7/21/04
SHOE : Dumb fxxx, I know the cat suffered, granted cat's are more flexible then we, I'm not oversensitive, just a bit concerned, and yes a lot worse out there in life.
18:36 PST 7/21/04
dumb fxxxs: waaaaaa....oo gyp, please dont cry....
18:06 PST 7/21/04
gyp: How do you know the cat was alright? No brain damage? No broken bones? After he hit the wall, he didn't get past the black bag. As you can see, the men were just standing over him & the view is blocked. The video of the cat running away to the right and the men running after him was added in later.
9:55 PST 7/21/04
dumb fxxxs: shoeshine like i said, ur oversensitive, the cat is gona be alrite, bxxxx
8:34 PST 7/21/04
gyp: why do they say its a comercial here if it isnt? they lie. dumb fxxs, it isnt funny either.
19:07 PST 7/20/04
Shoeshine: Your'e a dumb fxxxx, you especially would be if you had your head slammed to the wall. Your Brain would be Jello and I doubt if you'd have the mental strength to write a comment.
11:42 PST 7/20/04
dumb fxxxs: all of u are too fxxxxx oversensitive if u dont think its funny
8:34 PST 7/20/04
Not OK: I don't feel that way since Nokia "categorically" rejected the video. As I understand it, an amateur pitched it to Nokia's external ad agency, and this agency showed it to Nokia. I don't believe that Nokia ever had possession of the clip.
6:48 PST 7/20/04
SHOE: Thanks again for the info. My hunch is someone in Nokia used it without full consent of the company, I may be wrong, but it looks like someone on the inside of the company allowed it.
1:07 PST 7/20/04
mish: www.lessavenged. com
22:18 PST 7/19/04
Not OK: I don't know why they did it or how they got away with distributing it onto the internet. Here's more from the email: "We are now investigating the issue and how the material was released into the public domain. Based on this, we will take appropriate actions, including legal action, if necessary."
21:25 PST 7/19/04
Shoestrings: Thank You "Not OK" for that info. I wonder how then they used Nokia, perhaps there was a behind^the^scenes negotiation^reparation? Why did they use Nokia, if they were rejected, and how did they get away with it?
20:08 PST 7/19/04
Not OK: Through email, part of Nokia's message was: "The offending footage had been proposed to Nokia by an external party but we had categorically rejected it as it neither complies with the ethical standards of the company, nor reflects the policies and principles of our advertising."
18:06 PST 7/19/04
Shoe: Not OK, I later did think of the possibility that Nokia did allow this, and the rep you talked too lied. Reason, at the time they thought funny^harmless, till later when they heard the complaints, they backed out or there is some behind the doors lawsuit or was^ settled.
12:36 PST 7/19/04
Not OK: It's p.oorly made, too. As you can see in the original video, the cat doesn't make it past the black bag where the men are standing. The part where they run after the cat to the other side of the room was added later. No telling if the audio was original, either.
8:33 PST 7/19/04
Shoe^repair: Thanks for the info, N.OK., I bet Nokia is NOT pleased, false sponsorship, and if you read prior there are many people upset with this. I think there is worse out there, mixed feelings, but certainly have empathy with one's concerned. Even if cats can get into plenty mischief, there is some coaxing.
20:52 PST 7/18/04
Not OK: Yes, I'm sure. In addition to what Nokia says about it on their website, I spoke with a representative. This is a fake and they said it is now under investigation. I don't know if they plan to sue.
18:07 PST 7/18/04
SHOE: Not OK, are you sure Nokia has nothing to do with it (when they 1st showed the clip that Nokia ending wasn't there). If you read way back someone wrote in that it was all fake (I am in doubt). You think Noika would sue otherwise?? Mongrel, I'm sure the movie making, ridiculous to compare!!
10:46 PST 7/18/04
Not OK: Once again, this is an amateur clip, not a commercial. Never was. Nokia has nothing to do with this, and WANTS nothing to do with this. Perhaps if more people realized this, they wouldn't be laughing. Some idiot really lured his cat to the moving fan in order to capture it on film.
8:46 PST 7/18/04
Mongrel: But it's a 2 way street.To many people over play things like this commercial.That's all the ammo someone needs to make cruelty "cool", when in fact they are not even cruel themselves.Next week it will be all about the cruelty Nimo sustained in the making of the movie.
18:48 PST 7/16/04
Karen L.: I have been reading some of these comments, as well. I hope you are right and these people are not really sadistic but just want to sound that way. I just don't see how they can get a rise out of it. Since when is cruelty cool?
17:52 PST 7/16/04
SHOE: Boy been a long time back reading this. Drifty, Animal Planet was joshing (were U2)? Getoverit, has a point, which I 1st ventured, but only with vegetarians, but also with most animal products animals are abused, or killed. Some just get a sadistic rise on sounding more cruel than they are (we hope)
5:21 PST 7/16/04
Mongrel: Why thank you, it was well earned.
22:58 PST 7/15/04
Kisquest: You got a cute name Mongrel..!
23:15 PST 7/13/04
Mongrel: OMG!It is just a commercial!!Get a life, and grow a funny bone!!That clip is just plain funny!If they had meant for any cruelty, they could have just tied the string around the cat's neck and let it run for hours.Maybe peta should try that on themselves for a while(please don't peta, it was a joke)
22:34 PST 7/13/04
dog lover: why are all you dumb bastads from peta wasting your time surfing the internet when you could be out protesting an animal shelter that puts down strays. by the way, peta put down about 1,300 of the 2,100 pets they "saved" last year. put that in your pipe and smoke it!!
17:07 PST 7/12/04
Thinger: Dude, ya'll are just sad. I'm normally a total animal activist but I agree with Pete. The cat was okay in the end anyway. It wasn't pyshically harmed because it ran away. If you're so appalled by it stop sitting here and talking about it and DO something you retards!
13:54 PST 7/12/04
18:27 PST 7/11/04
ok: well you have fun wasting your time there
15:46 PST 7/11/04
peta member 2: There are things that are funny, but not at the expense of another. You're right, complaining can't undo it, but I still can't turn my back on this intentional cruelty without saying something.
12:26 PST 7/10/04
ok: this cat was not hurt believe me my cat has gone through much worse things...this is just pure funny. relax people complaining isnt gonna undo the done
8:17 PST 7/10/04
peta member 2: Danny, relax to the extreme you stupid cat hating person. The cat was obviously hurt. Somebody set up the camera and put the cat toy on the fan, hoping this would happen.
12:05 PST 7/9/04
danny: relax you stupid cat people... that clip had me laughin for a really long time and its saved in my favorites so i can watch it over and over. the cat wasnt hurt and even if it was its not like they person threw the cat into the fan.. the cat did it on its own free will! ha ha ha ha stupid cat
7:05 PST 7/9/04
peta member 2: Nope, not even a little funny. Extreme pain and fear are not funny (unless it's happening to the jer.koff who set this up).
14:54 PST 7/6/04
Fu q: all jews should die
9:51 PST 7/4/04
sarcastro: as a cat lover i must say...this is by far the FUNNIEST video ever!! i once saw it about 2 years ago and ive been seaching for it since.
17:06 PST 7/3/04
peta member: that was just plain cruelty to animals even though it was a little funny!
1:23 PST 7/3/04
C'n' A : that was very sad
10:25 PST 6/30/04
Velvet: Kepi, as I understand it, this isn't a commercial and was never meant to be one. It was a home video. The sunroof commercial is different because it was computerized and was created as an ad.
9:44 PST 6/17/04
Kepi: Hey guys, lets all be a little realistic, its CGI, there's a script. if you've seen the Ka advert; do they REALLy cut of a cats head using a cars sunroof? take it as it was meant to be, funny if a little black..........
4:03 PST 6/17/04
Phil: This is abuse, plain & simple.
9:23 PST 6/12/04
Dionysus: umm...this is alot of stuff to be complaining about, considering this is just a little see people die everyday, you see wars start over religon, but just because you think you have the UPMOST RIGHT to say its bad. Guess what people, DEAL with it, or dont watch it, since no one tells you.
23:39 PST 6/9/04
Not OK: Why are you convinced that this is fake, Jim? This doesn't look to be computerized, and it was never a commercial. Somebody on the outside brought this in and pitched it to Nokia's ad agency. Nokia had nothing to do with it, and WANTS nothing to do with it.
20:27 PST 6/9/04
jim: funny stuff even if it is a little dark. And will everyone harping on about animal cruelty shut up, if u think animals are all cute and innocent, spend a week in the wild, animals kill other animals in very painful ways, ask mice. Abuse for sadistic pleasure is wrong, but im convinced this is fake.
16:48 PST 6/9/04
drukenboy: all i can say is that emma is a big fat wussy
13:25 PST 6/9/04
Emma: This 'advert' is sick, any of you who found it funny should be thrown in's called ANIMAL CRUELTY
12:27 PST 6/9/04
Not OK: Hey webmaster, you'll say just about anything to cause controversy, won't you. Anything to get people to view your site. Like putting up abusive clips and then posting, pretending to have just surfed on. How do you live with yourself?
19:19 PST 6/8/04
Jenny: LOFL I love cats, but that's funny! Silly kitty.
13:33 PST 6/8/04
joe&bob: that is funny ....about the po.ol que....what is the best place to hit the cat...not to cause damage...just friendly abuse...i love cats they taste like chicken...
13:03 PST 6/8/04
Not OK: Not hurt? Do you know how to look at the clip and see the cat swinging by his nail and hitting a wall? Stop trying to deny this apparent animal abuse, webmaster. Even Nokia is smart enough to say that this is abusive and that they want nothing to do with this amateur clip.
19:46 PST 6/7/04
......: Do u know how to read the cat wasnt hurt u fuqtards
12:23 PST 6/7/04
Not OK: As if Lynn would listen to a person who writes, "duh you re re"! LOL! If you've been keeping up, you know that this clip was NEVER an ad. Nokia denies it and it's being investigated. This was also a live animal and, unless it had no feeling whatsoever, the cat WAS hurt.
11:38 PST 6/7/04
10:07 PST 6/7/04
Lynn: that so was not funny! what if that cat was hurt? You'd think the poeple would be smart enough to SHUT OFF THE EFFIN FAN!
16:40 PST 6/6/04
Dcguy: Would it be as funny if his balls got caught up in that fan?
3:39 PST 6/6/04
Suzie Q: Our creator put us here on earth to love one another, and that means animals, too. Some people are so out of touch.
10:13 PST 6/5/04
oomar: its really not funny ,the cat was really afraid and maybe badly hurt.if this was a real experiment then its not funny at all
2:08 PST 6/5/04
Kyro Blaze: yeah ...we love to watch cats get abused....whats the big gunna go abuse mine with a po.ol cue right now ^.^
20:59 PST 6/4/04
Mike: This was NEVER a commercial and the cat WAS hurt! Don't believe this webmaster. He is a liar, and apparently uses clips and photos of animals being abused as a form of "entertainment".
9:17 PST 6/2/04
3:03 PST 6/1/04
katie: oh my goodness, you all need to calm down. it wasn't someone 'messing around trying to make a comercial", it was actually made, but it didnt make it past the public comments session (where they bring people in and ask what they think before they air it) because some people acted stupid about it..
16:20 PST 5/30/04
Peter Yanker: I like penial area
10:00 PST 5/26/04
R.J.: If you were depressed, think about how that cat felt. It's really twisted that you found the cat's pain so funny.
23:23 PST 5/22/04
9:30 PST 5/20/04
Marilee: Francine, This footage has been around longer than picture phones, let alone ones that record short video clips.
6:00 PST 5/12/04
Francine: Juliet, Nokia is not responsible for this sickening "commercial". Nokia refused it due to its cruel content. Some outside idiot recorded it (using their own cat, no doubt) and presented it to their ad agency, hoping that Nokia would be sick enough to want it.
7:34 PST 5/11/04
Juliet: Someone at Nokia must DIE for that commercial!!!
13:56 PST 5/10/04
Masto: That clip must have been a fake. I've just tried the same thing with my own cat and it wasn't quite as funny. Maybe it will work better with his replacement.
14:04 PST 5/7/04
jimbobbyjoe: oh my god! how funny woz dat? i nearly peed wen i saw it!!!
11:47 PST 5/6/04
Michel: Of course it's funny, and you'd think it was if it had happened to a human being.
10:18 PST 5/5/04
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