you guys are really weird and heartless.. do you know that? please stay away from normal people.
5:07 PST 10/22/04
mike cleary:
it turned me on in a funny way
7:14 PST 10/20/04
Fishers friend:
He did atually wet himself. Especially liked the thud the cat makes when it hits the wall
5:05 PST 10/20/04
j fisher:
it was the funniest thing i ever did see i almost wet myself
2:55 PST 10/20/04
I love cats, and no cats were hurt, and this is really funny! Cats do very funny things sometimes; whats the big deal!
18:58 PST 10/19/04
I hope these men feel oh so mighty and masculine after what they did to an innocent, defenseless cat. They must feel so smug and superior! What manly men! 
6:50 PST 10/18/04
I am a cat lover and I laughed at the flying kitty!
17:43 PST 10/16/04
4:48 PST 10/14/04
not funny at all
21:54 PST 10/13/04
4:23 PST 10/13/04
Nothing funny about this. Some people are sick in the head.
9:47 PST 10/12/04
Funny for the most part...
13:51 PST 10/11/04
pour kitty
10:26 PST 10/11/04
6:03 PST 10/11/04
Pour ol' puddy tat, had a swinging good time until that nasty wall ended it!
20:09 PST 10/10/04
oh sh.. i wonder if he'll learn
20:06 PST 10/10/04
He wants to fly.
17:46 PST 10/10/04
can this really happen!!??
16:31 PST 10/10/04
mister B:
Funny If A Fake, Not If Real Seems Fake!!
15:14 PST 10/10/04
9:02 PST 10/10/04
Oh My God...How Could They Be So Cruel To Kitten Or Cat...!!
8:14 PST 10/10/04
21:53 PST 10/9/04
8:53 PST 10/9/04
15:34 PST 10/8/04
cant stop lmao
15:02 PST 10/8/04
11:11 PST 10/8/04
You are an idiot Not OK, obviously a fan isn't powerful enough to lift a cat and throw it around straight out like that, at the speed its going in the video it would be impossible. Hey that gives me an idea, I'm going to try it with my cat to prove you wrong!
10:46 PST 10/8/04
Not OK:
True, Mark, I hadn't noticed the b.utton being pressed. However, the man's bright blue shirt looks gray in the video. I'd be curious to check this frame by frame to see if it lines up. Re the fan, I doubt that it would bend being the cat was thrown outward with centrifugal force.
9:17 PST 10/8/04
Not Ok I agree with everything you have said about this but watch closely as he presses the key on the phone to stop the recording.. That's why it looks like two different versions. The larger one just ran longer. What I find suspect is that the weight of the cat didn't seem to throw the fan out of balance? You would have thought that one side would have bent downward?
7:40 PST 10/8/04
Not OK:
Hey Curly, why do you think that kitty made it o.k.? If you look at the smaller video, you'll see that the men were standing around, looking down where the cat fell, and not chasing after him as they show in the larger re make.
7:01 PST 10/8/04
5:54 PST 10/8/04
sooooo funny
5:36 PST 10/8/04
naučte svou kočičku létat...
1:48 PST 10/8/04
1:18 PST 10/8/04
...omg!...I am still laughing...kitty seems to have made it o.k....what a riot!!!!..oh,man,I think I just busted a gut laughing...
20:30 PST 10/7/04
Houston we have lift off !!!!
19:29 PST 10/7/04
Not OK:
How do you know the cat was fine? Because this webmaster says so? This wasn't even a real commercial, so you can't believe what he says. Also, if you take a closer look, you'll see that the cat that was running away was added in later.
19:08 PST 10/7/04
Oh... my... gosh... That was flippin hilarious! The cat was fine, get over it people. Definitely good for a laugh.
19:02 PST 10/7/04
Not OK:
Mark, it is so refreshing to hear an intelligent, sane, and compas.sionate voice here. And if there IS such a thing as reincarnation and karma, the same thing WILL happen to these young souls someday, so don't worry. Maybe then they'll understand.
18:54 PST 10/7/04
18:34 PST 10/7/04
Da Man:
18:00 PST 10/7/04
Mark dude you a punk.. if you don't like it don't watch.. duh
Yeah i loved it.. i hate cats
17:35 PST 10/7/04
Good one.
16:39 PST 10/7/04
Mark, Bob's right. Also,you need to seriously take a colonic pal.
15:56 PST 10/7/04
I bet it yacked up a hairball after that one!!
15:48 PST 10/7/04
well if the cats going to jump up there thats whats going to happen, and if if was hurt by hitting the wall then maybe it won't do again......
15:07 PST 10/7/04
ha ha
14:38 PST 10/7/04
sal del gigant:
very funny
14:23 PST 10/7/04
This is funny
13:46 PST 10/7/04
13:32 PST 10/7/04
You think so eh? Perhaps you should try hanging by a fingernail and see if it makes you laugh. Make sure you throw yourself into the wall after to.
13:03 PST 10/7/04
Glad the cat was nothurt. But is sure is funny!
12:59 PST 10/7/04
Oh, Mark, lighten up. that was hilarious!
12:54 PST 10/7/04
This is really sad. If that were my cat I'd have wailed both of them dudes. What’s the matter with you idiots anyway? And then to go and publish the clip for enjoyment? I guess ignorant people would probably enjoy watching supposedly intelligent beings abuse a helpless animal. I can't believe some of the even stupider reactions. Like some little kid hits his father in the balls with a bat by accident on Americas funniest videos so it’s ok to hurt an animal? As if a funny accident can justify intentional abuse to animals? I’m sorry but those of you, who agree with that, have no hope for intelligence even in reincarnation. To all of you who think this kind of thing is ok, you are losers of epic proportion and I hope the same happens to you someday. To the rest with you a heart, thanks for trying to steer our sadly disillusioned counterparts in the right direction.
12:47 PST 10/7/04
12:34 PST 10/7/04
Bloody great one luv,best one iv seen 4ages.b4 any asks i dont hate cats,got 8 of my own.....
12:22 PST 10/7/04
Thought you might get a kick out of this.
16:29 PST 10/6/04
Not Funny at all..
12:06 PST 10/4/04
this was really funny!!!!
9:37 PST 10/4/04
Not OK:
It's ok for you to make death threats because violence is a part of life? I'm so thankful that my reality is not yours. Sounds like your world is very dark. No wonder you've been saying these horrible things all along. Very sad. Again, please seek help... talk to a friend... something.
6:44 PST 9/28/04
u and ur self righteous ego...get over urself with ur lame axx compasion..violence is a part of life...fxxxxx
17:23 PST 9/27/04
Not OK:
People are not allowed to curse on this website, but these two threats are ok? My goal here was to spread a message of compas.sion to animals. Yours was to get personal, cause trouble, and threaten violence. I hope you seek help soon. Be well.
17:40 PST 9/22/04
not ok, ur tryin to be a detective...just stop. i'm gona hire a hitman to kill off your whole family
11:49 PST 9/22/04
16:11 PST 9/20/04
Not OK:
Don't blame me if you're the one who keeps nailing yourself to the wall everytime you write. Potty was right, you're just thriving on this attention.
11:13 PST 9/20/04
You are retarded, shut your face. Yes,I travel around to my friends houses to post in my same name just to piss you off, your life might be that pathetic but mine isn't. Go h ump a cat or something
11:01 PST 9/20/04
Not OK:
Now how would you know this unless you tried?? Also, nothing stopping you from using a different computer. Anyway, I never said that you posted consecutively using different names, but since you brought it up, now I wonder.
10:56 PST 9/18/04
Not Ok, keep living in your dream world. This site does not allow you to post two times in a row regardless of what your name is, why don't you try it and we'll see if it's actually the same person posting over and over again against you. Maybe then you'll realize what a knob you are!
14:15 PST 9/17/04
not ok u place way to many asumptions on ppl. and u need to stfu. its not in my control that other ppl look at this and post comments. think wat u want but ur just a loser that thinks this stuff is real ...i hope someone shoots u
11:51 PST 9/16/04
We need to cut off this "Eddie" person, he is getting too much attention, he is thriving on it.
9:40 PST 9/13/04
Not OK:
After all this time, I'm growing tired of talking to you, Mr. boy of many names. You know the deal. It's public knowledge & has been stated many times, by myself & the others. This was never a Nokia ad. It was homemade. And it was .so obviously not computer generated.
12:19 PST 9/12/04
You guys are so stupid, Have you guys ever seen Lord of the rings? Do you think that all the creatures in that were real?? It's called COMPUTER GENERATED ANIMATION. Welcome to the 21st century. Noone would risk the law suits that killing a cat would garner. So it got leaked, big deal, doesn't mean
11:37 PST 9/12/04
Not OK:
"Eddie" supposedly never posted here before. 1st time. Yet you addressed me as if I was .speaking to YOU when you said "we're not all the same people." You also said, "Cause I know I didn't post the same stuff that they posted." What else did you post, "Eddie"? Also, how can you speak for others? 
8:17 PST 9/12/04
Are you retarded? How do we not know we're the same people? Cause I know I didn't post the same stuff that they posted, are you dense? you are officially mentally challenged, no use talking to you. buhbye derange person. I take solice in the fact your life is worthless, noone would notice if you die
22:52 PST 9/11/04
Not OK:
Dearest "Eddie", you give yourself away with almost every comment. It's not only the same childish things you say, but mostly your writing style. Oh, and "Eddie", you said "we're not all the same people." How do you know this, hmmm? Gotcha.
20:34 PST 9/11/04
Youa re an idiot Not Ok and you refuse to believe that anyone else thinks you are an idiot. We're not all teh same people dumby. You live in your own little world. I bet you have your windows covered up with plastic and duct tape to stop anthrax. Ignorant tree hugger
14:11 PST 9/11/04
Not OK:
And number 2? Please, omg, let's be real here. You're also Jimmy Pocket, Ravor Boi, Vinny, dumb foxxxs, etc. So why should I believe that you weren't also the one who forged my name?
14:33 PST 9/10/04
let me clear the air,number 1, that wasnt me who ussed ur name so stfu
11:20 PST 9/10/04
mdei ei
3:40 PST 9/9/04
Not OK:
Well, WAS or WASN'T it a half minute long? Confused much?? Plus your forgery of me saying that the clip was fake was just a bit over the top, don't you think? You change your ID so often here, can't you think of another name besides mine?
10:22 PST 9/7/04
10:00 PST 9/7/04
omg u went through all that trouble over this clip that was wasnt even a half a minute long, u are sad...u disgust me
19:31 PST 9/6/04
Not OK:
Like anybody's going to believe your forgery.
21:22 PST 9/4/04
Not OK:
I've changed my mind, I now realize that they used computer graphics to create this commercial. I contacted the ad company that made it and they took me step by step through how they did it. I guess it's kinda funny now cause it's fake
17:39 PST 9/4/04
omfg.. that was beautiful... haha the cat shoulda died tho! hahah! EVIL
14:36 PST 9/3/04
hey not ok, go eat a dic. u've been ranting and raving about how this wasn't a real commerial. tell someone who cares
10:57 PST 9/3/04
Not OK:
No, but I can say "adobe". I can also say that it is a known fact that this was never a real commercial, and that Nokia never approved this cruel amateur clip.
11:09 PST 9/1/04
Whoo.. Can you say "Fake"?
22:15 PST 8/31/04
Not OK:
You wouldn't find it funny if it was YOU who was innocently lured to the fan, got your nail caught which was then pulled by the weight of your own body, and thrown against the wall.
23:07 PST 8/30/04
that is pretty funny
14:07 PST 8/30/04
This was a complete waste of time. I will never get these 2 minutes of my life back. I hate you all. DIE DIE DIE
18:49 PST 8/29/04
like omg
19:25 PST 8/27/04
14:44 PST 8/27/04
you stupid ppl need to get reality checks. bottom line..life is harsh and this is nothing. how do u think ppl felt back wen they had other ppl rading there villages and raping women and killing ppl. how do u think animals survive?? dumbaxxs ppl.
19:58 PST 8/26/04
You are all sick F ing people. You need help. Please seek it!
21:59 PST 8/25/04
Actually this isn't funny at all. Anyone who thinks it's funny to watch a cat or any other animal get hurt, you deserve to die a horrible and slow painful death.
Like you, swimman.
21:56 PST 8/22/04
riiite snowboarder..i sure do that. oooo my godd.. do u KNO WAT? i just spelt that rong .. i think i might faint..
21:49 PST 8/20/04
"Sail Kitty !!"
6:44 PST 8/20/04
I bet jp plays with his little balls and cue stick and gets off on things like this.LOL
3:27 PST 8/20/04
Some people also pay money to watch co^ck fights to the death. As a guy, I know that part of the anatomy is rather tender, and easily vulnerable. Learn how to spell better (know and right...not kno and rite). That other shoe in small letters was not me. This wasn't the worse, but calls for concern.
22:02 PST 8/15/04
wow i didnt kno that girls are unable to do that. i don't care for ppl like you. its ppl like you that file lawsuits for censorship and ridiculus disputes like this cat thing rite here
19:17 PST 8/15/04
Not OK:
I need to get over it, JP? Is that what I need? Then how about you need to care about others. You need to be a voice for the voiceless, and to stand up for them. You need to not sit back & just watch when someone is hurting another feeling being. P.S. Girls can't grow balls.
22:38 PST 8/14/04
it doesnt matter if its real or fake. if u think its real then u need to get over it. grow up. bad things happen u cant change it. bad things happen to ppl an animals everyday. grow some balls and deal with it
16:40 PST 8/14/04
Not OK:
Go to the Nokia website & search "cat", 2nd article. Nokia didn't make the video, nor was it ever aired. The moronic amateurs who did it claimed they used "trick photography", but also told Nokia that they wouldn't distribute it on the internet. Nokia told me they're being investigated & may sue.
16:24 PST 8/14/04
im a thick tosser
14:33 PST 8/14/04
Jared, according to NotOK, Nokia, never did air it, or agree to it. I'm sure they didn't substi^tute a toy stuffed cat for the fan twirl. It was real, even if the cat was coaxed. Don't know who also bought into it besides EFP. I don't see how it could be faked, I may be wrong, looks very real.
22:48 PST 8/13/04
"which apparently its not" you mentally ill person (wont let me swear on here), that IS fake. If it was real, they would have gotten tons of complaints from anti animal cruelty people when they put it on the air... dumb donkey...(like i said, wont let me swear on here...
21:23 PST 8/13/04
Dunno bout u lot but there are such thing as brilliant Computer generated graphics nowadays. U must realise that maybe, just maybee this isn't even real. I dont support cruelty to animals, far from it. its a funny clip in one sense, as long as its fake. which apparently its not so I wont support it.
16:03 PST 8/13/04
i still cant replecate this stunt...any tips?
13:16 PST 8/11/04
Nope, but vegetarianim did get bring up, and I wanted to bring something far worse than eating meat.
22:30 PST 8/7/04
RaVoR BoI:
well thats nice... do i care? and wat r u .. a government agent? this doesnt have anything to do with the clip
21:55 PST 8/7/04
ShoeShock :
Some would say that fear and aggression is good for us (although I don't like it) but I like meat too. This year I go about a week or so with no meat. The USSR banned microwaves in 1976. Here you get cancer, hormone damage, memory loss, etc. The USA refuses tests, too much money into them.
9:29 PST 8/6/04
RaVoR BoI:
uhhh wtf, ok if you say so?
7:44 PST 8/6/04
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