Dave (Jimbo), you always resort to insults when you have nothing intelligent to say. Apparently, I'm not the only one here who thinks this video is cruel. It's good to know that others have a heart. Your lack of compas.sion for others is sickening.
7:13 PST 5/5/04
francine, you're a tard. goodnight
5:10 PST 5/5/04
this is definatly NOT FUNNY. this just promotes more animal cruelty and kids will try this and kill innocent cats.
22:00 PST 5/4/04
This cat on the fan one is horrible. It's sad to think that people find a harmed cat funny
14:18 PST 5/4/04
you drop dead too!!!!
11:39 PST 5/4/04
jean louis leo:
good, very good, many thanks 10 on10
8:26 PST 5/4/04
Kat and Francine, have you NEVER watched America’s Funniest Home Video’s and laughed at a dad getting punked in the jewels with a bat by his kid and laughed, or watched someone get spun around until they are so dizzy that they fall? How about the ever pop ular (unsuspecting) people who are dancing on a table or stage and fall? When they show footage of a person getting the doo scared out of them, you don’t laugh? If the cat was. seriously hurt (I don’t mean a knock the head, all beings survive that, humans can even laugh about it) then it is sad. It is crazy to see a comparison with POW’s or slaughtered animals. The next time you see someone walk into a wall, or turn their head just in time to connect with a pole, remember the cat and don’t laugh, right? PALEEZE, you are way too serious about this. There are so many different stories and opinions as to what happened to this cat. Who knows, it could even become an urban legend. Save the footage for your children to show them it really happened, see if they can draw the true conclusion, and most importantly, see if they laugh at it! Betcha they do!
20:44 PST 5/3/04
what is wrong with you people ? this is a sick and cruel video.. what are you people thinking ?!!
that cat might have had it's claws ripped out and then into the wall it could have brain damage or internal damage this is not funny ! No,its sick and a cruel joke to people who don't care for animals
15:50 PST 5/3/04
A, that ad wasn't approved by Ford, either. Sick, but at least it's apparent that it's computerized. M, I don't understand your point. My point was that it's weird and inhumane to find humor when someone is torturing or humilating another. Would you laugh at the cow as it's being slaughtered?
13:01 PST 5/3/04
Francine, POW's are hardly jumping onto bullets and captures' fists, gun barrels, by themselves. Enough is enough, you are really a bu.mmer. I hardly see any relevance to your comparison. Got to go finish tenderizing my steak now (or will it tenderize itself?).
12:10 PST 5/3/04
If you don't like that, you wont like this one ""ford cat commercial" www.myjokemail,com
12:03 PST 5/3/04
As long as this webmaster is at it, why not just add to this "extreme funny pictures" site, photos of the Iraqi prisoners that are all over the news now? They're people hurting and terrifying living beings. It's just as' sick and cruel for anyone to find that funny.
11:16 PST 5/3/04
it would have been cooler if the cat had been tossed out the window.
4:55 PST 5/1/04
Heather? LOL! So now you're posing as a girl? You keep changing your ID, Jimbo. You're not fooling anyone.
15:31 PST 4/30/04
to francine:you must not have a life if all you have to do is post responses to emails. this is extremely funny. this just goes to show how stupid cats are. now, if we could only be sure he hit the wall.
14:01 PST 4/30/04
i thought it was boring
10:13 PST 4/30/04
You're right, it isn't a real ad. Nokia is currently investigating it, and I wouldn't be surprised if they file a lawsuit. In any event, there is something very disturbing about any person who would make light of the cruelty and suffering of animals, or anyone else for that matter.
9:43 PST 4/30/04
It isn't a real ad. No way such a thing could have happened.
Besides, the KaSport AD is far worse.
8:05 PST 4/30/04
Write to Nokia or call them yourself. They'll tell you that this "ad" is very offensive, distasteful, does not reflect their principles, they had nothing to do with it, and that it is being investigated.
5:28 PST 4/30/04
2 francine:
r u psycho???? there are doctors... i am a cat loving person, and it WAS funny!!
3:08 PST 4/30/04
No one knows for sure if the cat was hurt because this is not a real Nokia ad. An outside party showed it to Nokia and they refused it. Nokia said that they are currently investigating this.
10:52 PST 4/29/04
That is sick. I feel really bad, even though the cat wasn't hurt.
20:22 PST 4/28/04
that was awesome
12:27 PST 4/28/04
i did that once but my cat died
12:20 PST 4/28/04
hey at least we know that the cat has 8 more lives to spare
17:51 PST 4/27/04
feel sorry for the cat,but thats what cats do get into trouble
10:33 PST 4/27/04
This ad is stoopid. Why would they want to make it. Who would want to see somebodys pet get hurt.
17:57 PST 4/25/04
muse of pain:
i think that cat is really stupid, or is going to be thanks to the BOOM on his head!!...oh and francine, cats have 9 lives honny, he or che just lost one, besides ITS NOT DEAD!!!... :d kisses
11:45 PST 4/25/04
Or maybe they should put it in the sick humor section so that people who aren't into animal cruelty can avoid it.
18:15 PST 4/24/04
They maybe should label these like pg13 so people that cant handle them can advoid them, instead of ruining it for the rest of us
23:46 PST 4/23/04
Right on Duke, i totally agree with you. Only vegan environmentalists can claim that they sympathize with all creatures, afterall, meat doesnt grow on trees.
15:59 PST 4/23/04
OMG relax you hipocrite crack heads, wadda ya do when a mosquito is smashed on your windshield hold a friggin euology? S T F U! BTW the video was great, po^or lil super kitty almost made it out the window 
14:16 PST 4/22/04
Ewww^^ what stinks in here. oh its just Jimbo the mean old Cat Hater!!
13:45 PST 4/22/04
i think your all bored
9:49 PST 4/22/04
Wow, you can count! 1.How do you know there is NO way. Nokia doesn't even know for sure. 2.Some people also laugh at cruelty, as you have been doing since the beginning here. 3.Do you think you somehow bother me with these ridiculous things that you say? All you do is make yourself look like a j.erk
20:20 PST 4/21/04
Number 1: There is NO way that the cat in this ad was hurt. It's impossible since it was a fake cat. Number 2: People laugh at things that they know are fake or end up alright in the end. Number 3: You are a fat burger king eating jerry springer watching piece of trailer trash!
16:45 PST 4/21/04
I did not "admit" that the cat wasn't hurt. It appears that he was. You don't read very well, do you. Secondly, I agree with Syv who said, "anybody who gets a thrill out of seeing an animal being hurt(even if it is not real)is a sad case." Thirdly, your immature rudeness is making you appear idiotic
14:04 PST 4/21/04
You are sooooo stupid Francine. Now you admit that the cat wasnt hurt yet you get mad that people find it funny that a fake cat gets hurt. Have you ever watched Tom and Jerry or Itchy and Scratchy? Fake cats get hurt in those cartoons, why do people laugh at it? Cause Everyone knows it's fake!idiot!
11:05 PST 4/21/04
anybody who gets a thrill out of seeing an animal being hurt(even if it is not real)is a sad case!!
18:06 PST 4/20/04
I hope you amuse yourself with your own jokes. I can't even remember the last time I had either burgers or fries. As for the story on the "ad", its currently being investigated. Looks real, but even if there's a chance its not, only a heartless person would find humor in an animal's pain and fright.
13:11 PST 4/20/04
Listen Francine, I don't know how you type while holding three cheeseburgers and a bag of fries but however you do it is amazing! There is no way an advertising company would risk gettin shutdown by using a real cat in an ad. Think about it! Noone would hire them ever again. They are people too!
11:32 PST 4/20/04
The guys who tried to pitch this to Nokia told them they didn't hurt the cat. They also said that they wouldn't distribute the video, but they did anyway. So their word is questionable. This video is disturbing, to say the least. As for Jimbo, with his charm, he's a real catch for women, huh? 
4:41 PST 4/20/04
listen y'all, I just ge tmad when francine says that this video involves injury to animals. It's obvious it doesn't, if it did the people who produced it would be arrested. It's obvious that Francine lies about being married, she weighs a least 250 and the only action she gets is at the DriveThru!
23:39 PST 4/19/04
Francine, how do you know his claw was ripped out? Did you examine the cat. Did you speak to a vet that had examined the cat? Don't say things you can't prove. Eyes and brains. You can pause the video and the vidphone matches, and the cat runs away. Look. And jimbo stop being insulting, are you 12.
22:05 PST 4/19/04
Who do you think he is?
20:27 PST 4/19/04
OOOO Jimbo! You use the " BE ATCH" type insult in your commentary...Who are you really???
18:04 PST 4/19/04
Extremely silly!
13:33 PST 4/19/04
Jimbo,you,yourself admitted that this wasn't a real ad. I'm happily married, thank you, not to mention that my husband agrees with me on this issue. Why do you always insist on taking this to an insulting, personal level? Could it be because you have nothing intelligent to add to this conversation?
4:26 PST 4/19/04
Francine, you are a bleeding heart beeatch. Go find a tree to hug. The only reason you care about this cat so much is that you cant find a man. What man would want a woman who'd get so mad over a commercial. You are a spinster and will die alone!
23:39 PST 4/18/04
Movie Buff:
I dont think the ceiling fan would handle a REAL heavy cat tied too one of the blades. My ceiling fan would break instantly.
They would also have too use alot of Duck Tape too keep that string on as long as it did stay on.
13:39 PST 4/18/04
The ad wasn't official so who's to say that the cat actually ran away. It could have been added in as. somone suggested. You can see that the videophone doesn't even match the background. Anyway my beef is that some people find this cat's pain funny. His claw was ripped out and he hit the wall hard
8:13 PST 4/18/04
Any one that thinks this killed the cat, doesn't know cats. They are way tougher than people. Also You can't believe everything you hear on Animal Planet. They like to get people riled up. Also, if you watch the cat, it gets up and runs away, not limps or crawls. Now I have to go feed my cat.
22:16 PST 4/17/04
It's was never a commercial, DriftyAlisonO. Nokia said they would never put out such an abusive ad. And Movie Buff, look at the video again to see how po.orly done this was. The video phone doesn't even match what's going on in the distance.
16:47 PST 4/17/04
Movie Buff:
Your Welcome "Thanx.." Maybe if they showed us how they did there behind the scenes, people would relax.
16:15 PST 4/17/04
Now they tell us its a commerical. Dumb Kerks.
15:49 PST 4/17/04
Applauds Movie Buff for the intellegent comment. Glad to see some people have sense!!
0:00 PST 4/17/04
Didn't I tell you that this wasn't a Nokia ad? Apology accepted. Oh, and Nokia didn't say that they have knowledge that the cat wasn't harmed, etc. They said they were "as.sured" of it, by the same people who "as.sured" them that this video wouldn't be circulated on the internet!
19:17 PST 4/16/04
Jimbo: m/photos/commercials/nokia.asp . Read this article. It may not be a real ad but Nokia states they have knowledge that the cat wasnt harmed and trick photography was used! You are a moron and anyone who says those cats are dead are morons as well!!!
15:27 PST 4/16/04
If you want answers, Jimbo, do your own web search. It seems that not only do you find animal abuse amusing, but you are also rude. If those kittens are not drugged, they are dead. Judging by the comments there, most people agree.
11:08 PST 4/16/04
Who would spend all that cash to develop a fake phone ad to spread ont he internet?? You are a fing moron. The cats are not drugged you pile of crud, who would do that?? Noone would find that funny, STFU!!!
10:35 PST 4/16/04
Go and check your sources again, Jimbo. It's all over the internet that this is a FAKE Nokia ad. Nokia claims that they would never use animal cruelty in their ads. And as for those kittens, they do not sleep TOTALLY FLAT on their backs, paws open, lined up, at equal distances. They are drugged
5:00 PST 4/16/04
WHat are you talking about you idiot? Did you watch the video? It's a Nokia ad, watch the frickin video. THe webmaster changed it. You are a moron. You should not be allowed on this site cause you are too stupid to use the internet. Animals sleep in funny positions, get over it.
22:23 PST 4/15/04
Those kittens were not sleeping, Jimbo Bimbo. Any idiot can see that. Also if you do a little research you'll see that this is not a Nokia ad. That's a false rumor.
20:11 PST 4/15/04
Listen DriftyAlsion0 check out the fricken new video. I think the webmaster uploaded the whole thing. It's a frickin Nokia commercial. Do you think Nokia would kill a cat for an ad???? You are a stupid liar.
19:23 PST 4/15/04
Movie Buff:
Animals & HUMANS get hurt in movies, Doesn't mean they do in real life. Cant always belive what you see on TV
18:26 PST 4/15/04
Jimbo if you looked at the previous page you will find out that the cat was killed. Read the other pages before you call me a liar.
18:09 PST 4/15/04
I know for a fact that the cat was not injured in the making of this video. Please do not confuse others with your stories DriftyAlison0! Thos cats arent drugged, you are an idiot Francine, get alife!
16:32 PST 4/15/04
I just saw another sick animal thing on this website. It's a photo called sleeping kittens or something. Dead or drugged kittens is more like it. You're correct, Drifty. This website lies in order to try to these things off as funny.
15:52 PST 4/15/04
How many times do I have to say this. THE CAT DIED. They just use the the cat wasn't hurt and the accient bit to have it funny.
thay just used the "it was just an accident and the cat wasn't hurt to make ppl laugh. I have been read what others and Animal Planet had to say, Animal Planet said that the cat did die. Here is what Animal Planet had to say. Animal Planet : I am very sorry to say that when we sent out our own team to investigate the accident. We found out that the home of ken Brock of Joliet,Ill. he sent in videos to americas funny videos to win contest for money but loses cause of the crulety, we found out he hurt other animals and the cat died.
14:40 PST 4/15/04
this put a not in my stomack, this suks. i was expecting somthing funny, but this is not. some of you are realy twisted thinking that this is halarius. go play with the devil . i hope your proud that your krule like this
13:52 PST 4/15/04
Hey Francine and Don, If you don't like it don't watch it, If it wasn't hilarious it would'nt have such a high rating, The cat initated the accident, not the persons involved, move on, and get a sense of humor!
10:36 PST 4/15/04
I pissed myself this so f ing funny. And I am a cat lover.
10:31 PST 4/15/04
omg the pour thing
6:57 PST 4/15/04
It's a darned good thing that the cat was NOT hurt in the making of this mini lip. Otherwise, I'd have to hurt the idiot who tied the cat toy to the fan.
But it is sort of a sick way.
17:04 PST 4/14/04
that was terrible
12:18 PST 4/14/04
how u doin ;):
this is fake, what person would move the camera around to watch his cat get hurt also the cat look fake when it is swingging around. if it is fake it is funny.
11:18 PST 4/14/04
This was terrible to watch. Mann people are really sick in this world.
10:20 PST 4/14/04
It's not that they have no intelligence, Don. It's that their brains are not wired to feel for another life. That's just scary since this permeates other aspects of their lives.
7:37 PST 4/14/04
I you find this funny then you are all sick and have no intelligence ! Get a life you sad lot.
7:13 PST 4/14/04
IceMan thay just used the "it was just an accident and the cat wasn't hurt to make ppl laugh. I have been read what others and Animal Planet had to say, Animal Planet said that the cat did die.
Here is what Animal Planet had to say. Animal Planet : I am very sorry to say that when we sent out our own team to investigate the accident. We found out that the home of ken Brock of Joliet,Ill. he sent in videos to americas funny videos to win contest for money but loses cause of the crulety, we found out he hurt other animals and the cat died.
17:43 PST 4/13/04
iceman, sadistic basically means someone who enjoys inflicting pain or watching someone in pain, yes this is hilarious!
15:00 PST 4/13/04
I could watch this over and over again
13:23 PST 4/13/04
This was the highlight of my day, I'm 12so i don't know what sadistic means but it was funny, besides, the cat wasn't hurt.
13:10 PST 4/13/04
mike s.:
abusive and distasteful
14:08 PST 4/12/04
There are so many versions of what the real story is behind this clip! If you find it funny or not, it would still be nice to clear the air, huh? Does anyone know of a website that has the story? It doesn't look fake to me.
13:55 PST 4/12/04
HILARIOUS!!! they should make a tshirt out of it!
11:14 PST 4/12/04
Twilight Queen:
WTF?? This is sick, not funny!
8:38 PST 4/12/04
that is
so funny i LOVEDit(L)
6:30 PST 4/12/04
lol this is fake you know! you do don't you? do not know what sadistic means but most of you are stupid sadisctics. or the other way around. this is on the telstra add
3:59 PST 4/12/04
I dont care if it is fake or real, this is about the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
2:09 PST 4/12/04
If it was a ad for Nokia where is the logo. Liar!
19:23 PST 4/11/04
Nokia ad:
This has been cut from a Nokia ad. Please give credit where its due.
9:57 PST 4/11/04
If it happened to me? I would laugh my a'ss off!
7:15 PST 4/11/04
this is not funny at all
5:29 PST 4/11/04
karen ann:
if someone strung you by your nail.... swung you around a few times....and threw you against a extremely hard would you laugh?
0:04 PST 4/11/04
Well, i guess i'm f'in sadistic then, beacuse this is extremely hilarious!
15:32 PST 4/10/04
At the very least this cat was really hurt. Its own weight was being pulled by its nail. Then it slams into the wall. Bas'tards is right. People that think this is funny must be sadistic.
12:42 PST 4/10/04
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