Taliena: It isn't playing for me.... I take it that this "accident" really did hurt the po`or little innocent kitty! That makes ya wanna cry....bas`tards
10:57 PST 4/10/04
DriftyKitty: ABYSS DID YOU READ WHAT ANIMAL PLANET PUT ABOUT THEIR INVESTAGATION? THE CAT DIED! Here is what Animal Planet had to say. Animal Planet : I am very sorry to say that when we sent out our own team to investigate the accident. We found out that the home of ken Brock of Joliet,Ill. he sent in videos to americas funny videos to win contest for money but loses cause of the crulety, we found out he hurt other animals and the cat died.
9:56 PST 4/10/04
Abyss: Drifty, READ THE CAPTION ABOVE UNDERNEATH THE PICTURE: "Don't worry! This was an accident and the cat wasn't hurt!" Note: The cat was NOT hurt!
9:47 PST 4/10/04
weirdalien3: i just love that clip! It's so funny!
5:31 PST 4/10/04
Jess: Extreme funny?== I don't think so This is f'd up.
21:34 PST 4/9/04
Drifty: Danny how can it be funny when the cat DIED!
21:13 PST 4/9/04
danny: that was the funniest thing i have seen in a while.. HA HA HA HA
20:51 PST 4/9/04
Minimeme: Cat deserved it. Dumb animals.
20:43 PST 4/9/04
Drifty: Looks Painful, If that happens to one of my cats. i would shut off the fan asap.
18:07 PST 4/9/04
JAKS: This is actually a clip from a commercial so I doubt it's even real. Just good special effects work....
15:00 PST 4/9/04
christy: looks painful, i don't get the joke
13:59 PST 4/9/04
leanne: that litle cat got batterd and that is sly lol :
4:25 PST 4/9/04
P.F.: Well, that's one way to declaw a cat. Yowch!
19:50 PST 4/8/04
Just Me: You can just hear the cat bouncing off the wall
16:52 PST 4/8/04
mimi 'n joe: the freek who did this has no compasion. nasty!!
10:14 PST 4/8/04
sdums: thats a waste we chow them in the east.
9:52 PST 4/8/04
baby girl : I feel sorry for the cat and I don't even like cats.
9:36 PST 4/8/04
6:43 PST 4/8/04
sxy: aww th p.o...or kitty
5:03 PST 4/8/04
Gabi: I feel sorry for that kitty kat. That's just mean!
21:31 PST 4/7/04
tsunami: insensitivity? please! If you can't recognize the humor in this, you should'nt be here to begin with!
20:10 PST 4/7/04
Flayva: Umm...I think this cat prolly died.
19:06 PST 4/7/04
me : that was funny
17:29 PST 4/7/04
Josie: Hey, I just left a comment like everyone else. It's some others who decided to bring up my name and ask questions. And, no, I don't get a rise out of it; it's quite the opposite. It's depressing to read, although the shock of all this insensitivity is wearing off.
13:21 PST 4/7/04
12:41 PST 4/7/04
Red Fred: Sheeeit. Whatchu smokin'? This is messed up, dude. This aint funny.
12:29 PST 4/7/04
Lela: How sad for the kitty.
11:41 PST 4/7/04
Sean2004: Josie, you say you return to this website to view the responses. I'm sure you get a rise out of the opposing comments and feel the need to try to prove them wrong. How old are you? 12? I thought so. In case you have'nt noticed,this is a website where images are shared, not a debate forum. Grow up!
8:23 PST 4/7/04
Catsrule: As much as I love cats, This video was very funny, I have 5 cats, & if anything like that would happen to them I would laugh my head off & show it to others to enjoy. cats get shaken up all the time, what this cat went through is similar to the mischief millions of other cats get themselves into.
7:58 PST 4/7/04
linda: hey josie, you must not find it too bad since you keep coming back supposedly to read the responses. you probably love it but won't admit it. anyway, it's just a dumb useless cat
7:10 PST 4/7/04
Chris: The long version is a fake Nokia ad that is up on the net.They show the cat running away but they cut it there & spliced that part in.Thats a different cat.
6:19 PST 4/7/04
Marilee: Ally/Josie, if you've seen the longer version then you know the cat runs away. Ann, terrible upbringing? If that were my cat I would hug him but I would still laugh. Cats are amazing in that they can survive crazy things and be fine. GetOverIt is right, steaks don't grow on trees. Who likes steak?
23:07 PST 4/6/04
Josie: Actually, I don't watch it. The first time was more than enough. I just scroll down to view the responses because I'm still shocked to find that there are so many insensitive people. Whether or not you find it funny, it is still sickening. Get a heart... and some empathy.
22:17 PST 4/6/04
Derailed: well, josie if you have a problem with this cat feeling pain, why do you return consatntly to watch it all over again, this is a humor website, the content was intended to be humorous, weather or not you find it sickening, it is still funny. Get over it.
14:56 PST 4/6/04
Jimbo: It's hilarious so STFU! I hope they add more videos like this!
12:01 PST 4/6/04
Josie: I admitted no such thing. I don't know if it was. Still, whether or not is was intentional, this was a beautiful, feeling, live being who felt a lot of pain. I think it's sad for anyone to find humor in another's pain.
9:25 PST 4/6/04
Ally: there is more to that video, afer they say "turn off the fan" the cat then gets catapulted into the wall!
5:58 PST 4/6/04
Rob: Josie, by your own admission the cat thing was an accident, so no big deal in looking or laughing, right? Please dont compare a cat to a child, not the same ball park at all. Course we'd be more concerned for a child. But as it's a cat, lighten up.
3:51 PST 4/6/04
Josie: You'd laugh even if they were scared, got really hurt, and died? Well, just as long as it's looks funny.
16:05 PST 4/5/04
Dave83: haha, this is so funny, and Josie, i think i would laugh at a kid who had an accident if it was funny, big deal we all get hurt sooner or later, it's just unfortunate when it's filmed because that means everyone will partake in laughing at their misfortune!
14:04 PST 4/5/04
Josie: So, like someone said, if this was a small child who had an accident and got hurt, would you still find it funny to see that someone kept filming and then sent it out for others to laugh at? That's just as, sick.
13:49 PST 4/5/04
Marilee: This is one of those clips that you cover your mouth and gasp while you are laughing. I think it is so funny! The man did say "turn off the fan", so I don't think he wanted his cat to be hurt. Some people are really taking this personally, nobody made the kitty jump up to the cord. Funny stuff!
12:40 PST 4/5/04
GetOverIt: anyone who says they can't bear to see this cat "get hurt" needs to check their lifestyle first. if you eat or use any animal products whatsoever you are taking part in a cruel industry that tortures countless animals every second, what this cat went through is not a big deal, he was'nt hurt,
12:01 PST 4/5/04
CatKiller: hey i ran over a cat 2 days ago wish i had recorded it sorry to say there were no suvivors hee hee this was the funniest yet
9:22 PST 4/5/04
Kitty: Ann, I totally agree with you. I have raised my child to respect all forms of life, to appreciate their beauty, and the love they have to share. I didn't even take my child to circuses because I didn't want to show how some people use (and abuse) animals solely for our "entertainment".
8:40 PST 4/5/04
Reality bites!: i still think it's the funniest thing i've ever seen, if people don't like it, they don't have to see it.
7:49 PST 4/5/04
Ann: I think it is a disgrace that you show things like this on your website. Anyone who finds animals getting hurt is sick. It shows that you have had a terrible upbringing because I have been brought up to take care of animals not try and hurt them. Its true the world is full of evil people
4:59 PST 4/5/04
Rob: Hallo soap box jury, nobody knows if the cat was hurt or not. It's all conjecture on the part of the bleeding heart liberals for the sake of it. Someone actually claimed to have known the cat died, YEAH RIGHT!!!!! Get over your own repressive sensibilities and enjoy life a little more. I have a cat and if I thought for one minute the people set the cat up for injury/harm, I’d be the first to levy retribution so don’t respond that I’m cruel heartless etc cos I’m not. Cats are cats are cats, they do this stuff all the time, it’s nature. Why do you think they have 9 lives? How much more natural can you get? Freedom of speech still lives yeah??
4:42 PST 4/5/04
Not Funny.: Ya know people do stupid things to themselves, Fine(idiots) But when you involve someone or something living that is inocent and not willing to be hurt, thats different and WRONG!!! If I knew those people I would take their cat and kick their AS, S. HEY CAT KILLER, F/ U. C K YOU!!!!
22:03 PST 4/4/04
whirling pus,,s: Funny as hel.l.l. The only thing funnier would have been if my German Shepherd would have eaten the cat when it fell to the floor
17:13 PST 4/4/04
Kitty: What is the average age here, 12? The cat WAS hurt. They just said that in order to have it shown. You heard the cat screaming, and you still find this funny? Do you laugh when people get into accidents, too?
15:30 PST 4/4/04
elaina: i'm calling the animal police!
15:29 PST 4/4/04
CyberSirius: LOLOLOL!
12:37 PST 4/4/04
deadcatwalking: HAHAHAAAAAAAA... THAT IS WILD!!
10:38 PST 4/4/04
GEO: thats the best one yet, that I seen.
8:08 PST 4/4/04
scott: cool...i want to see more clips like that.
5:53 PST 4/4/04
Hydie: bel if it happened to a person it would be even funier id do it and laugh the cat is fine it says so so shut up and let us enjoy humour
3:09 PST 4/4/04
Shoe^repair: Bel, that was ^ sincerely a nice ending comment, but how do you eat tea, perhaps you ate the tea and love (h)ate to jumble the words, browneydgurl, you may have got too much of a tan, what a waste of skin, not a nice Girl Scout comment, even if you had too many brownies with your tea. Don't wear cat
19:07 PST 4/3/04
18:17 PST 4/3/04
hdoran22: omg that is too much lol
17:09 PST 4/3/04
Sum1 w/feelings: If this guy really cared about his cat, he would have dropped the camcorder and ran to help him, not continue taping. And he certainly wouldn't have submitted it for others to find humor in his cat's pain and fear.
16:47 PST 4/3/04
heleana: Looks like the cat had a swinging good time until he or she hit the wall.
16:40 PST 4/3/04
louisvillegirl: NOT FUNNY! It's a good thing the cat didn't knock a hole in the wall, or the owner may have been upset that their little joke didn't turn out right.
15:38 PST 4/3/04
chrisburttsgrl: like judge said: "judge: if u pay attention to the video. the guy is trying to get the cat away from the fan, but the cat grabs the cord anyway, then the guy said turn off the fan" they were probally filming the cat for a another reason. anyone who hates cats must've been micen previous lives. .....
13:25 PST 4/3/04
Dubie: you people are sick!
13:21 PST 4/3/04
Lee.B : Build a bridge and get over it. Like the ppl who taped it trained the cat to do it, so how can you blame it on them!!!its obvious something like that was going to happen, so why watch it to the end...
5:23 PST 4/3/04
Sum1 w/feelings: It's amazing that some of you actually believe that this cat was not hurt. He was hanging by his claw. The force and the weight of the cat most likely pulled his claw right out. Then he gets smashed into a wall. If he didn't die, I'd be surprised if there was no internal bleeding. This is funny?
20:57 PST 4/2/04
Sierra: whoever wrote that animal planet BS is definitely retarded. Nice try though. If you didn't think that this was funny there is something definitely worng with you.......my cat fell from several stories high and shes still living to this day. Relax, the cat was fine.
15:30 PST 4/2/04
Talent: gogeta, where do you think these come from? They are pas/sed around and shared all over the internet. ebaum I am sure didn't just MAKE them all, they "STOLE" or also got them from somebody else. The cat was NOT inside the fan, he was hanging on the cord for pete's sake ppl. IT DIDN'T DIE!!
15:30 PST 4/2/04
????????: I have this clip myself and i still love it. But my clip has more footage of what happended after the cat hit the wall. To the window...to the wall...i love lil johns music....it goes good wit dis clip.
15:29 PST 4/2/04
Read.: The cat wasn't hurt... qoute from site "Don't worry! This was an accident and the cat wasn't hurt!"
15:14 PST 4/2/04
urweenies: oversensitive, PETA lifetime members get a life! The only way that could have been funnier is if the cat dropped right into a washer and hit the spin cycle for an hour or two. That rocked!
14:03 PST 4/2/04
Realitybites: OMG! I lauged so hard, I could'nt breathe! I should do that to my cat! no, just kidding.
10:54 PST 4/2/04
bel: I was just about to eat my tea and I feel really sick now.If that was meant to be a joke its disgusting.How about reverse the roles and tie the people who made the clip to a jiant sized fan and let them smack into a wall.Do you think theyd be laughing then.All creatures are special I feel sad now.
10:34 PST 4/2/04
Sum1 w/feelings: I am so terribly sad that this cat died. I am much MORE sad to see that some people actually find this funny. I just don't know what kind of world we live. I have a great sense of humor, but never at the expense of others. If this happened to a dog or even a child, would you still be laughing?
8:02 PST 4/2/04
TREKDAD: obviously most of you have never seen how well cats bounce.they are like roaches,almost indestructable
7:41 PST 4/2/04
bigevildawg: that has to be the funniest thing i've seen in so long.....show more like it we all need to laugh....people need to get off the soap boxes and just live and laugh....hahahahahahahah!
6:15 PST 4/2/04
verychrystal: just WOW! aaahhhh haaahahahahaha
4:26 PST 4/2/04
cat killer: thats so funny, who cares about the cat
3:57 PST 4/2/04
0:22 PST 4/2/04
gogeta: hey guys. i've seen this on ebaum's world . com, and alot of the other new vidieos... stealers
22:28 PST 4/1/04
Animal Planet : I am very sorry to say that when we sent out our own team to investigate the accident. We found out that the home of ken Brock of Joliet,Ill. he sent in videos to americas funny videos to win contest for money but loses cause of the crulety, we found out he hurt other animals and the cat died.
22:18 PST 4/1/04
Sum1 w/feelings: This cat was most likely injured seriously or may have even died. How can anybody find humor in the terror and pain of another being? What is wrong with some of you?
19:50 PST 4/1/04
lil penguin: ok? that wuz weird!
18:04 PST 4/1/04
Kitten: The caption says it was an accident and don't worry the cat wasn't hurt.If you listen, the guy is calling the cat to COME OVER to him,likely trying to get it to turn around so he can take it's picture. If it was a setup, then why call the cat AWAY from the fan and computer?Answer, it was an accident
13:44 PST 4/1/04
JAdleo: That was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Is the cat ok?
13:10 PST 4/1/04
esax: That was a cattastrophe!!! HaHaHa!!! Great!!! Had me crying laughing!!!
12:10 PST 4/1/04
11:36 PST 4/1/04
Kerry : That looks like something my brother would have liked, at one time! I thinks it so AWFUL~Why didn't they try to help the kitty!?!
11:28 PST 4/1/04
ra: it was cool and funny
8:47 PST 4/1/04
kittie: omg!! who on earth wud jst stand there and not help!! that was totally sick n it shud not b shown.....
7:32 PST 4/1/04
kb: that was rong but oh so funny
4:51 PST 4/1/04
Sel: definately not funny. totally sick. should be taken off immediately!!!!!!!!!!!111
3:02 PST 4/1/04
ROHO:: And I thought Mighty Mouse was just a cartoon. But here he is! He can fly 'round the room in a single bound and any cats that attack him, he'll trash in a heap to the ground!!
2:18 PST 4/1/04
obs1: looks like something my fruitcake would try, loved it.
20:34 PST 3/31/04
Cat: Let's watch browneydgurl go for a ride on the fan...no lets make it a helicopter
19:53 PST 3/31/04
Nate: yo holmes that was crazy
17:36 PST 3/31/04
browneydgurl: kool~~~~ cat's r a waste of fur!!!! lmao
15:46 PST 3/31/04
15:23 PST 3/31/04
Toni: u cant say dat the cat wasnt hurt
14:38 PST 3/31/04
corsa: how can that b an accident, some1 put the toy on that fan knowing fall well that cat would grab hold!! not nice
14:33 PST 3/31/04
michjoe: that is toooo funny!!!
14:20 PST 3/31/04
murdoc: meoooooooooooooooooowwwwww!!!!!! too funny.....
13:54 PST 3/31/04
12:09 PST 3/31/04
tess & rach: thats sick how any1 can find dat funni i dunno the cute lil cat didnt do anything so y let it get attackd by the big evil fan !!
11:43 PST 3/31/04
Kim: I haven't stop laughing yet !!!!!
11:05 PST 3/31/04
linsey: thats awful. how mean. i feel bad for that cat.
10:04 PST 3/31/04
Lee: what a stupid thing to do to a cat
9:34 PST 3/31/04
kenney jacobs: very funny and I'm a cat owner!! they wouldn't let wright what really wanted to wright.
9:05 PST 3/31/04
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