cat killer: Hey Not OK Get over it. It's just a commercial. I thought it was hilarious.
14:32 PST 2/2/05
melanie: look at this
13:56 PST 2/2/05
RJ: I spoke to the cat afterwards and he said he thought it was funny. He said that people should chill out, turn on the TV, watch the world news and wake the up to real life, then he took my wallet.
13:24 PST 2/2/05
boy: its of the hhoookkk
18:02 PST 2/1/05
Not OK: I'm sorry if I'm spoiling your animal cruelty experience.
9:50 PST 1/31/05
woteva: not ok, go stick this video up ur arse, ur spoiling it for every1
9:01 PST 1/31/05
ryder08: very funny. watched it like ten times
1:43 PST 1/31/05
Mandy Brown: very good, but poor cat
9:20 PST 1/30/05
Not OK: You find animal cruelty hilarious? You find the unauthorized use of a company name hilarious? And the distribution of that unauthorized video, and the promotion of animal cruelty hilarious? Not to mention the other animal abuse photos on this site? Yeah, you're so smart.
7:49 PST 1/30/05
melanie: wow your happy and you know what im a teenager but i'll tell you one thing im not stupid iam very smart smart enough to realize ur annoying who cares if you info is factual and why do you hope nokia sues everyone that kinda hostile dont ya think???i still think its hilarious HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
1:35 PST 1/30/05
anthony b.:
15:20 PST 1/29/05
Not OK: Wow, webmaster, I guess my words are finally bothering you. You can stop pretending to be all these stupid teenagers now. My information is factual, and I hope that Nokia sues you for everything.
13:03 PST 1/29/05
lauren: not ok if ure so worried bout it y did u watch it stfu really ure annoyin u really are i found it FUNNY i would do it 2 my cat 2 so maaaa on dese nutz
21:13 PST 1/28/05
melzy: i thought it was hilarious not ok you need to stop torturing everyone everybody thought it was funny why u didnt god only knows
16:29 PST 1/28/05
Mandy Brown: Very good
6:18 PST 1/28/05
everett: cat. rotisary style
12:46 PST 1/27/05
shoot me then: yourmom
13:54 PST 1/26/05
Cann: this is my dogs favorite video
22:00 PST 1/25/05
Laurie: I know you will like this one, it's funny
12:30 PST 1/25/05
Not OK: Don't be so sure, Ponny. This was an amateur home video, and the use of Nokia's name was unauthorized. Nokia was outraged by it. The amateurs told Nokia that the cat wasn't hurt, but they also assured Nokia that it wouldn't be distributed on the internet.
9:48 PST 1/25/05
9:07 PST 1/25/05
Ponny: I think it was really funny,made me laugh,anyway.I love cats.I'm sure the animal was not harmed in any way.
4:42 PST 1/25/05
hay: halllllllloooooooooooo
4:24 PST 1/25/05
Not OK: Things like this just encourage a lighthearted attitude toward animal cruelty... especially cats. If this video had used a puppy instead, I wonder if people would have found it to be humorous.
12:39 PST 1/24/05
jason: now that not ok and i are being reasonable with each other,i will admit he has a point.even though it's fake,it is still a depiction,and some idiot will try it for real.but i still say it's kinda funny IF it's taken as a joke.
10:15 PST 1/24/05
joseph: retarded and not funny
15:46 PST 1/23/05
anthony b.: lol i loved it
14:56 PST 1/23/05
barry: all i got to say is how would you like it. who ever thinks its funny should be shot
14:18 PST 1/23/05
Anthony: I thought that was brilliant... havent seen anything as funny for years!!
1:09 PST 1/23/05
Tasha: Crazy!Poor Kitty!
8:06 PST 1/22/05
2:19 PST 1/22/05
Not OK: Even if it was a fake, this still shows a frightened animal in pain. Finding humor in another's pain is selfish & shows disrespect for life. If it was an ad, even a fake one, showing an infant strung up on a fan, screaming, & tossed into a wall, I doubt many people would laugh.
20:08 PST 1/21/05
jason: i'm tired of bickering with you,not ok.i'm willing if you are to turn this into a reasonable discussion.i ask again,what does it matter if it's really a nokia ad or not?i'm just as against animal abuse as you are,but if it's faked and no harm was done,why not enjoy it as the joke it was meant to be?
17:15 PST 1/21/05
Not OK: Nokia recently removed this, but you can easily search the net to find these direct Nokia quotes from other sites. The men who filmed this without authorization said the cat was OK, but also assured Nokia that it would not be distributed on the net, yet here it is.
14:55 PST 1/21/05
jason: there is nothing on nokia's website about the cat video.besides,who cares if it's a real ad or not?the issue here is animal abuse,which i happen to agree with you is wrong.but the point is the video was made with trick didn't it closely and its quite obvious.go away.
9:30 PST 1/21/05
Not OK: How do I know so much, "Jason"? Why don't you ask Nokia? Also, your statement below clearly shows who is in need of professional help.
4:54 PST 1/21/05
jason: are you blind,stupid or both,not ok?it's wouldn't be funny if it wasn' do you know so much,anyway?someone should shove your head into something.go get professional help.
18:31 PST 1/20/05
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