Not OK: It's ALL fun? Some morons luring a cat onto a fan, trying to pass it off as a Nokia ad (which it's not), is funny? Lining up dead or drugged kittens & puppies for a photo is funny? Oh, and shoving a cat's head into a glass for a photo is good for a laugh? Sure, that's normal.
17:33 PST 1/20/05
jason: first of all i'm not that other guy.i've never been here until the day of my first post.second of all,i come here for the same reason as other normal people..for a laugh.third of all,if this was my site,i would find a way to keep you off of's all in fun so lighten up already.
13:12 PST 1/20/05
Celeste: This is great!!!
11:31 PST 1/20/05
Not OK: Why do YOU keep coming here, "Jason"? Different names, but it's the same language and writing style over & over. You find animal abuse "extremely funny" & keep defending it. Do you think this is normal? There is real animal cruelty all over this website. By any chance, is this your site, "Jason"?
6:57 PST 1/20/05
jason: no one stated it was a camera trick. it's obvious. the fan wasn't moving fast enough to do that. tie something that weighs about the same as a cat to a fan set on low and see for yourself.that is if you're capable of tying a knot,idiot.if you're so against this video,why do you keep coming here?
20:44 PST 1/19/05
Not OK: Who stated that it was "a camera trick", Jason? This was filmed by amateurs.
19:56 PST 1/19/05
18:32 PST 1/19/05
12:50 PST 1/19/05
jason: you people need to lighten was a camera trick,the cat wasn't hurt,and i for one find it extremely funny,which is the whole point of it being made in the first,get over it.
8:13 PST 1/19/05
charlee: suphommies
15:16 PST 1/17/05
Not OK: THIS IS NOT A NOKIA COMMERCIAL. Nokia states that this is an "unauthorized cat video", and that it is "offending" and "distasteful" and "will take all necessary action to ensure that the circulation of the video material is stopped..."
7:32 PST 1/17/05
ny: 1
4:28 PST 1/17/05
ricky p: lol
3:03 PST 1/17/05
JennCastro: better not be my cats
20:42 PST 1/15/05
nicole: hey
5:41 PST 1/14/05
clara: NOKIA!!!!!""·$$·"!&%
17:00 PST 1/13/05
tricia: Found this very funny
11:26 PST 1/13/05
Joel Rosario: This was very funny! I dont care what jesus says,who cares i dont! very funny!! Stupid cat
9:01 PST 1/13/05
justin: kfjk
7:56 PST 1/13/05
Not OK: Excuse me? You just proved that I'm correct! I wrote that it's not a Nokia commercial, and it isn't. Eddie, dear, Nokia tells me that they are keeping their eyes on this website and may have a lawsuit against them/you.
10:47 PST 1/12/05
Eddie: From Nokia,com: "While the external creators who have created the material have asured us that trick photography was used and no animal was harmed, this does not detract from the distasteful nature of the content." Shut it not OK you are a LIAR!
10:04 PST 1/12/05
hfovuhszidb: fhjdfyj
8:14 PST 1/12/05
paquita: I´ts just a comercial!!!
7:49 PST 1/12/05
Not OK: I find it very doubtful that "jesus" would find this amateur video to be funny. It's cruelty to God's loving handiwork. P.S.- Webmaster, when are you going to take down this false statement? You know damn well that this is not a real Nokia ad.
7:20 PST 1/12/05
19:22 PST 1/11/05
dave: cats
13:45 PST 1/11/05
Gary W Bobo: A great site and funny.
18:47 PST 1/10/05
great work: i love it
16:29 PST 1/9/05
22:48 PST 1/7/05
7:14 PST 1/7/05
23:42 PST 1/6/05
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