dom!!: these are all of my emotions
7:46 PST 3/6/05
lesley: hey will
7:23 PST 3/6/05
srinivas: srinivas
2:17 PST 3/6/05
up ur's: bicth
17:59 PST 3/5/05
ProjetChaos: lolololol stupid cat very lol video
17:31 PST 3/5/05
12:20 PST 3/5/05
nick thats som: thats some funny stuff
17:31 PST 3/4/05
(Anonymus): Barbera, YOU are deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep into drugs.
13:33 PST 3/4/05
alex: ccccccooooooooooooooooolllllllllll
17:38 PST 3/3/05
=;p}|: oiklpikp
10:43 PST 3/3/05
"B" DAWG: noe that,s some funny uh....... stuff lol
10:02 PST 3/2/05
4:14 PST 3/2/05
me: funny the cat isnt hurt cats can jump three stories and barely get hurt so hah hah hah
11:40 PST 3/1/05
Brent: Cheeky snotrag....
17:48 PST 2/28/05
Brent: Who really Cares, Not OK, 'cause you're a square!!!!
17:47 PST 2/28/05
17:46 PST 2/28/05
17:45 PST 2/28/05
21:42 PST 2/26/05
Barbara: Not OK thank you. Yes officials at PETA have been notified also other animal rights orgs. etc. have been contacted. This site and these people are being watched. What Joel said is true. These people will be brought to justice.I agree that these people, anyone who finds this abuse funny are psychotic
17:58 PST 2/26/05
17:18 PST 2/26/05
Not OK: Barbara, maybe you can get your PETA friends to shut down this site. There are other animal cruelty photos here, too. Among others, there is "Sleeping Kittens", "A Pile of Huskies" & "Good to the Last Drop". What kind of sicko finds this funny, much less puts these up on a website?
16:14 PST 2/26/05
Joel Ginsburg: Not A Commercial! No company would have an animal put to such abuse or even suggest it, they would be sued out of business! You have to be a moron to even think this is a commercial. This is abuse. We have sophisticated examination & detection methods. This is NOT a commercial.
15:30 PST 2/26/05
Stevenator: It's clear that this was fake. Just watch the part right when the cat reaches up. Obviously edited. And the position the cat was in on the fan when it flew off, it would not have hit the wall. It would have gone toward the people. Just a commercial.
13:58 PST 2/26/05
lindsay: how could you do that? the poor kitty! I hate the person who put that on the site i wish i could just.....nevermind. It's just that i'm a cat lover yet i DO care......fake or not that is just plain animal abouse! I HATE WHO PUT THAT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
13:51 PST 2/26/05
Not OK: Joel is correct, this is NOT A COMMERCIAL & Nokia will be the first to tell you that they have nothing to do with this cruelty. People here believe that it is because of the above message. The person who runs this site knows it's a home video, but won't remove the statement.
7:19 PST 2/26/05
Joel: HEAR THIS this is not fake & absolutely not a commercial! with a virtual drive you mount the image file & look inside it. We have many ways of telling. This is malicious animal abuse & these people are being watched & will eventually be prosecuted.
19:46 PST 2/25/05
gabby: people its fake! its a comerical ppl!!! CALM DOWN!
18:55 PST 2/25/05
cyndi: sick, just sick!
7:29 PST 2/25/05
Not OK: It's refreshing to finally see normal, caring people speaking up on this website. Have you seen some of the other animal abuse photos here? Something should be done about the person who runs this site. Makes me wonder if he/she is also somehow involved in the making of these abusive photos. Sick.
6:48 PST 2/25/05
The Bees: reefer jones we've added your name to our hit list. the dogs are on you ahole. any idea what that means? hummm...?
16:42 PST 2/24/05
ReeferJones: I've seen worse things done to cats .......this one got off lucky ! Theyre a dime a dozen ,quit yer whinin!
14:09 PST 2/24/05
Barbara: Very well put Not Ok, thanks. It's a fact that people who abuse animals, abuse people also. They are Psychotic criminals & that's a fact. Typically deep into drugs, alcohol, etc. If they find abuse of animals funny, then abuse of people is also funny to them. Psychotic.
13:06 PST 2/24/05
Not OK: I think there's something terribly "off" about people who can watch an animal being tortured and in pain, and feel so distanced from it that they even find humor in it. It's frightening to think that these people walk among us.
11:36 PST 2/24/05
Barbara: How is this funny?
7:53 PST 2/24/05
elegant: funny
0:10 PST 2/24/05
17:53 PST 2/23/05
Joel: anyone who thinks this is funny is really messed up
9:54 PST 2/23/05
this is funny: too funny
4:21 PST 2/23/05
Joel: How is malicious abuse funny?
11:59 PST 2/22/05
Betty: stop stress'n I thougt it was funny!!
10:46 PST 2/22/05
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